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The Best Cheap Hotel In Bali on December

Hi guys,, how are you today.. 
Hope you are fine and happy for everyday. 
Did you have book hotel in Bali for doing New Year soon? If you didn't have to.. I will give you rekomendation hotel cheap in Bali around Bumbak, Umalas. So check this out!!!. 
Picture from my cell phone. This hotel having many room to book. They have 2 floor and have autentic vibes from Bali. I see the map they have good response and review like 4,7.
Picture from my phone. 
If you need sun in the morning or afternoon you can sleep here and also they have swimming pool for sharing with another one. Many place to sun bath for getting tanned skin. 

Picture from my phone IG @iim1710 | TT @misstanaman | Youtube Ica Official. 
If you need meeting for someone they have place and more desk to arrange your meeting here. Also you need some drink they have show case with more drink behinde the reservation room. 

Picture from my phone IG @iim1710 | TT @misstanaman | Youtube Ica Official. 
This picture is condition of the pool they pool the have in night. So if you need swimming you can do here with your boy friend or girl. Did you Like swimming right? Let me know... 
After swimming maybe you need massage i have recomend for you to book here : +6285792006100 will be fast response if you booking. 

Picture from my phone IG @iim1710 | TT @misstanaman | Youtube Ica Official. 
That picture is condition of the rooms the Uma Sari Hotel, if you have been here let me know how your experience to sleep here.. 
Thank you for coming on my blog see you next blog... 
Support me for like, comment and share your experience with my blog bye... 


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