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Showing posts from September, 2022

The 4 Best Massage, Day Spa and Wellness in Bali

Hi guyss.. Welcome back to my blog..  Did you try home spa service at Bali just only 100K/hour ??? Let me know! 🤩 Bali have many place spa & wellness, many place for home spa or the place spa to have good treatment.  I also have 5 recomention home spa service and place for good spa and terapist from my experience at Bali from 20 years ago.  1. They have home service spa for daily to make treatment all customer male and female. They do at Villa, Hotel, and home where the customer want to order.  The have terapist sertified already and  no plus plus. The have experience spa 3 years ago. Good service and no pricy. 1 hour only 100K for one person will with guarante if not good don't order again for another day Lol. Here's the profil at instagram, you can click to order. They are open from 10am in the morning until 22pm at night so usefull right???  They have rate : 9/10 Instagram:

Hi, My Introduction!!! #motivasi #ceritadulumasasekolah

petanimuda Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh... Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua.. Semoga harimu menyenangkan dan berkah selalu Namaku adalah Ica. Dilahirkan di kota Baebunta, tahun 90 an . Bercerita tentang hidup saya yang bisa dibilang random. Random berarti acak, yah. Kehidupan memang tidak bisa kita rencanakan. Kita hanya bisa berdoa dan berusaha agar mendapat kehidupan yang lebih baik dari yang sudah kita alami. Pengalaman yang saya dapatkan ketika hidup bersama saudara yang konotasinya bukan saudara kandung. Saya sekolah sambil bekerja paruh waktu. Disana saya sambil mengenyam pendidikan SMK berjarak jauh dengan keluarga. Setelah 2 tahun kuliah saya kembali bersama keluarga, namun karena keinginan orang tua mengikuti program transmigrasi ke Sulawesi membuat saya kembali sendiri.  Hari demi hari saya lewati sendiri tanpa orang tua. Merantau sendiri di pulau bali sebagai seorang perempuan membuat saya limbung. Tanpa orang tua d...

How To Make Money on Tiktok

Hi Guyss,,  My Name is Ica i'm as conten creator on Tiktok. Did you have tiktok already? Yes i think Tiktok will having all people in the world for baing do tiktok. So, how to make money on Tiktok?. I will so you how in below.  My Name is Ica, so this is my Tiktok Account.   So, if you not yet follow, now you can follow me for get new inspiration how to make conten on Tiktok. I do conten for fashion category on Tiktok. I get endorsement and cooperate with brand so I can get the money from them.  So, Why you don't do that?  If you do the conten you will make money on tiktok right?. But must have much inspiration and creative conten to make happy and get the money from that. The Conclusion is, if you want to make money on tiktok you can do something like : 1. Selling e-book 2. Editing video from your client 3. Doing Endorsement 4. Coopration with the brand and many more.  Which one do you like it? Just ler me know bestie...  Than...